How do you take an idea for a course and create an approved elective for professionals? What do I need to get an approval? What is an instructional objective and how do I write one? How do I find the right resources and order the content for my course? How do I know if the course is effective?
All these questions and more will be answered in this program. You can choose which modules you need---and learn how to develop, market, and write your course so that your students can get the certification or credits they need.
If you need this program for credit, you will have to complete ALL 8 lessons in this program. A certificate will be issued upon completion of all assignments and all modules.
This course was developed and is taught by Deborah Long ("Debbie" to her students) who has a doctorate in adult education and has taught licensed professionals and secondary students for 50 years.
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Course Number : Instructor Courses 101
Name of elective cou... : So, You Want to Get Your Course Approved...